Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Creating a Budget: Successful Job Searches / Career Planning Involve Financial Literacy

This may seem abrupt and overly-generalized, but it is important enough to say that I am going to go ahead and blurt it out...

ALL successful job search and career plans involve financial literacy!

Anyone who is even slightly successful (and by successful I mean enjoying their job and making a living wage) has a budget. If they don’t they are just lucky and that luck will quickly pass...

Long term happiness in our jobs and in our lives demands financial literacy. If we can not learn to live within our means we will never really be ‘free’. Without ‘freedom’ life is far from happy or complete.

With that said, living ‘free’ of financial chaos is easier said then done. Most of us struggle with our budgets and many people continue to pay the price for money mistakes they made in the past.*

A little help is much appreciated.

That is why I recommended using the following tool:

I use this Self Sufficiency Calculator with my clients and it is a simple and helpful way to create a budget, identify waste in spending, find resources to help overcome barriers and to make career goals.

Play around with it and it may be one way to help you flex your budgetary muscle and get one step closer to financial freedom.


*(If you are paying for financial mistakes you made in the past please do not get discouraged. Debt and bad credit are disheartening but they can be overcome. I know from experience that in the process of working your way out of your financial problems you will actually make yourself a stronger and smarter person...)


  1. Great tool, Tanner! Thanks for sharing it. (Am still loving the job, btw.)

  2. Glad to hear it and I appreciate the support (especially since it is coming from a financial Guru like yourself..:-) I am learning more and more about how a simple budget can really make the difference in how we manage our job search and careers...emotions and money-concerns are inseperably mixed and they both affect our job-related actions so much!


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