Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Interview Tips (I stole this from a spy!)

You want to know the 20 most important interview tips out there?

While, I was going to write them all up nice and pretty right here. However, in the process of snooping around doing research, I found a blog from a guy who literally spied on people during interviews! What he learned as a Covert Interview Analyst lines up with my own observations. So, rather then re-invent the wheel I will re-direct you to his site:


The information there is helpful and although it may not be For Your Eyes Only it certainly will help you have A View to a Kill(er) approach to interviewing... 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Beta testing is over...

This blog is meant to be a forum for thoughts, ideas and assumptions about one of the most pervasive, persuasive and perplexing aspects of human life...That Daily Grind...That Relentless Toil...

...that thing called.........WORK.

My posts here come from 2 points of view.

1. As an Employment Specialist who works for a Nonprofit, I am always seeking to provide appropriate job search and career advice. We all have to work, so I hope to share some pointers to make that part of our life a little more successful...And hopefully more fun and rewarding!

2. As a trained social scientist, I am intrigued by the anthropology of Work and how employment influences and is influenced by our present (postmodern?) age of Globalization. Like it or not humans created this world we now live in...far away from nature and deep within the cultural constraints of far-reaching economic machinery...With that in mind, it is only by understanding what we have created that we can push it in directions we agree with.

With these 2 vantage points in mind, please read on and add your point of view!

We will all spend most of our lives working. Isn't it about time we really thought about what that means?


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